Address and Location

Dr Kapoor's Clinic is located at

Ground Floor,
Janki Apartments,
Inner Circle Road,
Contractors Area, Bistupur,
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India.

Nearby Landmarks:

  • Kabiria School - The clinic is located just opposite this school
  • Tata Football Academy

The relative location of the clinic with respect to various nearby landmarks can be ascertained from the Google Map below. You can look at our appointments page to find out how to set up an appointment for a scan. You can look at our contact details page to find the various ways in which you can get in touch with us. For guidelines on how to reach our clinic, you may use Google Maps. Use the directions widget below to find out how you can reach our clinic.

Dr. Kapoor's Clinic, Ground Floor, Janki Apartments, Near Tata Football Academy, Opposite Kabiria School

Address     Facilities     Appointments